Pregnant From Rape: Stories and Studies

What does the research say about people pregnant through rape?

Sarah Terzo
8 min readSep 7, 2023
Photo from ast25rules at Pixabay

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In 2021, Janet Morana wrote a book for teens on abortion. She tells the story of two women who became pregnant from rape.

Pregnant From Rape, She Had an Abortion

One rape victim was Nicole from Virginia. She had an abortion at four weeks. Nicole says she came to “deeply regret” her abortion:

There is no good reason to have an abortion. All the logical reasons fail to keep your heart from breaking when it’s over.

If, like me, you were raped, and you think you can’t bear nine months of pregnancy, I can tell you from experience the 17 years of regret have been worse.1

Nicole now believes “my baby was a gift from a loving God who wanted to give me a purpose for my pain.”2

Although the rape was extremely traumatic, Nicole says that the abortion was the “beginning of the real nightmare for me.”3

She adds, “The abortion made healing from rape infinitely more difficult by compounding the trauma . . . Abortion is not the answer for rape.”4

Pregnant From Rape, She Chose Life



Sarah Terzo

Sarah Terzo is a journalist who supports the Consistent Life Ethic, which opposes all violence & seeks to protect human life from conception to natural death.