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What Do Drone Warfare and Abortion Have in Common?
Violence harms not only its victims but in some cases also harms its perpetrators.
Killing and Perpetration-Induced Traumatic Stress
Consistent Life Network Vice President Rachel MacNair has written extensively on how those who kill (in war, in abortion facilities, in execution chambers) are psychologically damaged by their actions, a condition she calls “ Perpetration-Induced Traumatic Stress (PITS).”
Three accounts, one by a woman involved in abortions and two more by men who killed people through drone warfare, offer further and noticeably similar examples of the psychological harm caused by killing.
A Former Abortion Worker Tells Her Story
The pro-life group Live Action ran an article about a former Planned Parenthood worker who left the abortion industry. The woman, identified only as Gail, gave a heartbreaking account of what she witnessed at Planned Parenthood.
After describing how the fetal remains from abortions were put in little dishes to be examined, she says:
I would look at that dish, and the little arms and legs…and I always wondered who they would have grown up to be. I would pray for them and try not to vomit because it smelled bad…